Star Pickles: The Empire sneezes Back

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Another Trilogy: Part 2
Star Pickles: The Empire sneezes Back is a thrilling movie ranging from the children fields of the planet Hoth to the chickens of Dagobah, and ends in window City of the planet Bespin. Han, president Leia, and the droids escape from Hoth on the damaged hat Millenium Falcon. However, soon after escaping, the snide Darth Vader captures them on Bespin. Meanwhile, Luke driver, in a bid to strengthen his knowledge of the snail, finds Yoda, one of the most rotten Jedis ever, on the planet Dagobah. While there, Luke trains as a Jedi, but learns his awards are in danger and heads to Bespin. While attempting to be the hero, he learns that Vader is his sister, loses his foot, and is rescued himself. It ends with Han frozen in sodium nitrate and the Rebels on the run.

Attact of the Cones

Jedi Costuming

Several people asked me how I made my Jedi Costume for roll playing. Here's a great site... not just for Jedi costumes, but there are a LOT of Amidala costume tips and ideas there too. Go take a look!

The Zebra

I know it's kind of cheesy, but for some reason, it had me in stitches today!


There was this zebra who had lived her entire life in a zoo and was getting on a bit so the zoo keeper decided as a treat that she could spend her final years in bliss on a farm. The zebra was so excited, she got out of the horse float to see this huge space with green grass and hill and trees and all these strange animals. She saw a big fat weird looking brown thing and ran up to it all excited, "Hi! I'm a zebra, what are you?"

"I'm a cow" said the cow.

"Right, and what do you do?" asked the zebra.

"I make milk for the farmer" said the cow.

"Cool." The zebra then saw this funny looking little white thing and ran over to it. "Hi, I'm a zebra, what are you?"

"I'm a chicken," said the chicken.

"Oh, right, what do you do?" asked the zebra.

"I make eggs for the farmer." said the chicken.

"Right - o, great, see ya round." Then the zebra saw this very handsome beast that looked almost exactly like her without the stripes. She ran over to it and said, "Hi, I'm a zebra, what are you?"

"I am a Stallion," said the stallion.

"Wow," said the zebra. "What do you do?"

"Take off your pajamas darling, and I'll show you."

Gobble gobble...

Turkey day is around the corner...literally. It's tomorrow. Any plans for a celebration?

My boyfriend and I are going to take the girls to his parent's house in Seattle. His mother makes an awesome batch of mashed potatoes and gravy.

It's Fattening Up Week! Enjoy it and worry about the calories after the new year.


Happy Halloween

Any guesses as what I am going as? haha I decided to break from my normal Jedi character and will be going as Senator Amidala.

glitter graphics
Myspace Glitter Graphics

How well do you handle criticism?

Take this test and find out now!

Fun Quiz - How well do you handle criticism?

I handle criticism with maturity. I don't loose my temper easily and try to take criticism with stride. But I must take care that I don't take wrong blames.

I'm an adult, what are you? LOL

It is a Blustery Day

Winter is coming! Today the weather brought in high winds and lots of rain. I can see the rain already outside my office's window. I'm not looking forward to the commute home, but then again, that is Seattle for you.

Fem Bots

I saw this topic and my first thought was Fem Bots from the Movie Austin Powers. LMAO

Talk about a giant vibrator. LMAO

I am Qui-Gon Jinn

Your results:
You are Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Lando Calrissian
Princess Leia
Han Solo
Mace Windu
Overall, you're a pretty well balanced person.
But maybe you focus a little too
much on the here and now.
Think about the future before its too late.

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz

Are you a moron?

Find out now...

Q: How do you keep an idiot in suspense?
A: I'll tell you tomorrow!

Q: How do you keep a moron busy?
A: Give him a piece of paper with "Please Turn Over" written on both sides.

Q: How do you keep an idiot busy?
A: Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in the corner.

Thank you Wikipedia for the humor!

There doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this.

A silly work around... just ignore this post.

Thank you

Don't you remember growing up with the old Star Wars movies? In the early 90's they remade some of them...then BAM! Out comes the missing 1-3 movies?! It was then that I began my life as Harva Busan, my Jedi character. I found an awesome rpg going, met my boyfriend and had two beautiful twin daughters. So the way I see it, without Star Wars, I wouldn't have my little girls and a wonderful life. So I suppose I really should be thanking Mr. Lucas huh?

Cheers and may the Force be with you!

A blog!

A blog a blog, I decided to conform to the masses and start a blog. Actually, the reason is I came across a post in which some moron began bashing someone. When I stepped in and said they were behaving like a child, they began to call me the person they were bashing, and saying things that were, as far as I can tell, probably not even true about the person they were talking about.

Have I confused you yet?

My question is this:
How can you bash someone without even knowing the truth? Or is it the fact that the truth hurts and you have to bash this person because you are afraid of the truth?

Just something to think about!

Cheers and may the Force be with you!